Today was the last day of my being able to see and smell all the things that makes Guatemala everything that it is. This week has flown by at a velocity that was incredible. In a sense, it feels like I've been here no less than a month, simply because there were innumerable experiences packed into a mere 8 days. I have seen, felt and encountered more than anticipated. My heart has hurt more than it has in all my 26 years on this earth. My mind has been chaotically skipping around in every direction, burdened by the thoughts of poverty and tragedy that consumes La Limonada. Every sense that I have has been bombarded on every side by the faces and voices of the ravine of the ghetto. I wish that I could do more, be more to these people. To be able to provide a salve for pain, for the injuries that life has caused them. I know that I cannot reach every person, but I will do my best to help the ones I can. There is so much need. So much hunger. So much pain. Yet so much hope for tomorrow, which can be seen in the eyes of the children. They simply need a chance.
At 9:15 tomorrow morning, the soles of my feet will leave Guatemalan soil, headed towards the country I call home. I know that the transition back into my life will be difficult, but I also know that is where God has me for now. My heart will ache, my mind will constantly wander back here. But I can only pray and do what I can to help the tiny voices of La Limonada to give them a hope for a future.
My life has been forever changed. It has been an incredible, amazing experience. One that I will cherish the rest of my life.
Bethany, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences over the past eight days. It has been a great journey to follow. Thanks for going there to visit Leah and to meet Tita, Monica and the incredible people of La Limonada. Thanks for being a great friend to Leah... and thanks for taking that community back home with you in your heart. I am sure we will be in touch...
Just know how big of a difference you made in the lives here by the 8 days you spent here. Lives are forever changed simply by loving them. Thank you....................
I all ready miss you.
I learn some values from you that I'm going to carrie for ever too; like, constancia, gozo, perseverancia, amor, paz, esfuerzo... you are like an ant, working in silence, but makeing the difference. I love you and going to miss you so much. And, be waiting for you to come back.
Moshi said: he loves you and that he do not want you to leave Guatemala, and that he misses you so much all ready.
That is just to much coming from him!!!!
So, he said, bye and see you soon
Tita :)
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